The monthly cycle ... is an important part of a woman's conceptual life. The typical age for the start of the female cycle is 12 to 13 years, however, it can change from one individual to another and other natural variables. The duration of the period can vary from 3 to 5 weeks without notice. How it happens .

The menstrual cycle occurs when the endometrium (an inner lining of the uterus) becomes free. This female stream contains blood and body fluids from the cervix (an opening in the lower third of the uterus) and the vagina. The space of the brain called the nerve center near the pituitary organs Torment during difficult menstruation 😔 Difficult monthly cycle or dysmenorrhea is the best known problem for every woman. This causes impotence to move into daily duties due to lower stomach stiffness, gagging, nausea and brain pain during the period. Agony during the female cycle can be organized into two types. 

One is essential dysmenorrhea, which is very common due to agonizing withdrawal from the arrival of common substances called prostaglandins from the uterine walls. Another bold name is young woman 🔥👧 Break the monthly cycle 👩‍🎤😦 Many women also face the break of the female cycle for a period, for example, six months or more, they are said to have amenorrhea or no onset of the cycle female. 

Another justification for interrupting periods includes the pressure among women that they are pregnant or that their female period will be on time. Passionate pressure, physical and psychological health problems can also lead to interrupted periods for quite a long time. The female cycle is interrupted during pregnancy and if a woman takes the birth control pill, it takes six months to continue the normal cycle. Reasons or Factors for Stopping Female Periods 

👩‍🎤 1. Occasionally, women lose their periods because their ovaries do not react as expected to the chemicals that the egg releases. 2. Ovarian sores and obstacles in regenerative plots 3. Impotent means of subsistence 4. Overwhelming activities 5. Diabetes 6. Tuberculosis 7. Non-alcoholic liver disease 8. Ongoing disease 9. Medications, eg pills for the prevention of conception. Note: girls destined to shine ✨✨ deserve all the adoration ❤️❤️


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